(this page might take a while to load but it was necessary in order to bait some of you here to see your own folly. In a day or two, I will remove all the Entrecard pictures, and links to your sites, which you will understand why shortly. But ALL Entrecard users should read this in order to see how some of the cheap, lazy tactics over which some people gush and fawn can actually HURT you and thwart your progress - and, in most cases, without you even knowing.)
So, You Think It's Easy Being A Controversy Blogger?
Think Again.
What I'm about to show is you just an example of what I deal with on a regular basis. To note, I do not like to do what I'm about to do. When it comes to naming people for making "bonehead" moves, I generally don't; unless they are a well-known marketer or an "A-list Blogging Celebrity" whose influence over the masses makes naming them more important. But in this case, I have to make an exception so that you can see exactly what I'm talking about and why it is both cheap, lazy and potentially harmful.
Thoughtful, Creative & Community-Building
In my previous article, Love Thy Entrecard Neighbor Blog Meme - A Powerful Use of the All Cards Page, I came up with a powerfully creative way to get more benefit from the Entrecard "All Users" page than just the backlink it gave to us. In fact, the article was more beneficial and brilliant than meets the eye because it took certain factors into account - human nature, search engine optimization factors, etc - that would have required too much time and space to explain. But, in short, it was a way for participants to meet their 8 "all cards page Entrecard neighbors" and, very likely, learn some very cool new things about them. At the same time, they'd be giving those 8 neighbors some link love and simply inviting them to do the same.
Ideally, it would ripple out and many Entrecard users would get to meet many other new Entrecard users... real, quality, eyeballs on each others sites.
I then invited about 20 other active Entrecard users with an invitation to help kick it off so that it would grow faster and give many of the newer, less popular, Entrecard users, something to both enjoy and buzz about.
And Gosh Be Darned, I Forgot What I Was Dealing With...
Shortly after, I received a reply from some people saying that it was a "great idea." But then one of them wrote again to say...
"Your idea is pretty good, but this one is better and will build everyone's technorati rank. [link withheld for the moment]"
It then led to NOTHING MORE than a complete and total copy of the Entrecard All Cards Page on someone else's blog.
A Better Idea?
That Will Build Everyone's Technorati Rank?
Yechhh, and this is more prevalent than you likely even know. In fact, some people will read this and actually wonder, "Well, what's so wrong with that?" For Starters, How About - EVERYTHING..
The Blind Leading the Blind
Just think about this for a second. YOU DO NOTHING MORE THAN COPY ENTRECARD'S ALL CARDS PAGE TO YOUR BLOG and then a handful of the 1300 people on the page show up and say, "Hey, THANKS!" and maybe they even say, "That was so nice! I'm gonna link you back, too!" because most of them don't know any better.
I even saw a couple Entrecard users in the comment section who I KNOW are much smarter than that so it goes to show you what life on the internet can be like. If...
Even SMART People Can Get Roped In By A Cheap & Lazy Ripoff...
...then think about how ripe for exploitation are those who are fairly new to all this?
Most new and intermediate bloggers are so desperate for attention and visitors that even if Adolf Hitler came back from the dead and linked to their website, they'd be flattered and gushing with thanks.
Thanks for the link-love, Adolf!
Here is one response to the RIP-OFF of the Entrecard All User's page:
"I found your site because I started receiving visits from this post! So THANKS for the link! :-)"
Ok, Stop... Critical Thinking Pop Quiz...
Does anyone REALLY believe that packs of users really sifted through 1300 tiny icons to go visit this one guy's page? Apparently, yes! Multiply that times a couple of billion and that's what you're up against. If anything, it was the effect of search engine spiders... but people?
"Oh, Search Engine Spiders? Well, That Was At Least A Little Good, Right?"
But don't let that stop you, or anyone else, from getting distracted from the main point which is a CHEAP & LAZY RIP-OFF of the Entrecard All Cards Page that made all kinds of people think they were witnessing the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
But Here's A Specific Reason It's Not Only Not Good But Potentially Harmful
"Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)." (Google Webmaster Guidelines, design and content guidelines)
Now, you might not realize this but there are a LOT of people who fight to remain ignorant. It's not a bad thing; it's just true. So I'm already used to the kinds of answers I get from things like this. For example,
"Ok, well, who says you have to do everything Google wants you to do? I don't even get most of my traffic from them, anyways!"
Ok, well, that's all well and good. The point here is that there are people who are gushing with thanks for something that amounts to a LINK FARM and if Google suggests you avoid building LINK FARMS then it's a good bet all search engines don't like them either. In fact, BLACK HAT SEO types, when targeting someone with a vengeance, will often put their target's site links on such pages in order to devalue their rankings in the search engines.
(google search result for 'link farms')
Just Imagine You Are Google...
...and, suddenly, out of nowhere, you find an ordinary site that suddenly throws up 1300 links overnight. LOL! And isn't it just a riot that newbies with virtually no experience in these matters try to argue FOR these "feel-good" events as if we were standing in the halls of their former high schools?
"But Entrecard Did It!"
(yeah, well, it's their operation...)
Ok, so by that logic, it's instantly ok to just copy it to your blog and take credit for it while giving search engines the impression of a link farm? In fact, Gorilla Sushi didn't even acknowledge Entrecard for the effort THEY put into creating the "All Cards" page. People were giving HIM all the credit for the "effort" when it was PHIRATE who created it and there is NO acknowledgment of that anywhereon Gorilla's blog. Oh, I'm sorry, Gorilla made it so that you have to SQUINT to see any of the 1300 icons. That's what I call a "wasted effort."
Also, as far as search engines go, they would see that Entrecard had LOTS of traffic and that Entrecard wasn't just a little blog out in the middle of nowhere - so it wouldn't set off the red flag that a copy/paste ripoff page would. Besides, Graham and Phirate really did it in the spirit of helping you ; whereas, the RIPOFF was done in the spirit of getting backlinks while potentially harming you.
In so many ways, what Gorilla Sushi did was cheap, lazy and potentially harmful; but that, as you can see, that doesn't stop people who don't know any better from raising up their hands in praise and thanks. This means two things that matter in relation to Sam Freedom's Internet Marketing Controversy Blog,
As an internet marketer, you should be excited that there are still so many people out there who can be bamboozled into your favor with almost NO EFFORT at all. That the same people who bitch that they don't get a break are the same ones who throw it away every chance they get while fighting to keep it that way; and
By being controversial, Gorilla Sushi has earned his mention on the world's only Internet Marketing Controversy blog. Congratulations, Gorilla.
(Here's what Gorilla Sushi did below. Soon I'll be removing it so that it doesn't make Google hate you and I and brand us as link farm conspirators. If you want to see his page, you can find it by passing through his Entrecard page because I don't want to link to a link farm. It's titled, "Entrecard Holiday Link Love")
How Does It Feel to Be A Part of Your Very First Link Farm?
Oh Wait, That's THREE Now...!
1. Entrecard All Cards Page
2. Gorilla Sushi's Cheap, Lazy Ripoff of it
3. And Now Mine Which I'll Be Removing Shortly
You're On THREE Link Farms Now!!
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