Holy Entrecard Credits, Batman!
It's An Entrecard Store!
If you HAD to add another straw to the camel's back, the new Entrecard store should, without a scintilla of doubt, be one of them.
As users now well know, using Entrecard is a "drop"-dead EASY way to get both EYEBALLS on your site and make new, excited, like-minded friends. And, surprisingly soon, users start amassing so many advertising credits they start wondering, "Ok, now, other than advertise on high-traffic blogs, what ELSE can I do with this large excess of credits?"
Well, Pay Close Attention!
After racking up all kinds of credits (which is a real cinch!), you'll now be able to trade them in for some of the most powerful, advanced features of any traffic generating system known by, but not limited to, bloggers! Here's some examples:
- You'll be able to unlock VALUABLE statistics that will help you fine-tune and optimize your efforts for even GREATER results!;
- You'll be able to obtain new widget designs! And have your widget stand out just the way you want in some really cool ways!;
- You'll also be able to trade your credits in for gear and items like Entrecard t-shirts which can serve as EXCELLENT conversation starters to talk about Entrecard and your own site!;
- My favorite is that you might even get to buy REVIEWS from excellent reviewers! This would focus on the best aspects of your site, increase your credibility and get you backlinks and traffic!;
- And much, much more!
Graham is really excited about bringing, and developing, many new gadgets, gizmos and exciting new things Entrecard users can obtain with their ever-growing feast of credits.
I Have A Dream...!
I Have an Entrecard Dream!
As a seller, I would charge between 300 to 5000 credits for varying sizes of site, product or person reviews the likes of which, I guarantee, will not be available on just any ol' street corner. Anyone who has passed through here knows that I am many things when it comes to blogging. I am friendly, insightful, creative, and come with a very sharp edge that conveys both conviction and honesty. Add to that, I've actually enjoyed focusing the majority of my current efforts on helping fellow Entrecard users fan the flames of a "fascination" we all understand too well.
Thank you for the support and suggestions. I would love to have you as a guest author sometime after I get this all squared away. - Entrecard User - CyberStreetReport
Ever since you linked me, traffic has been wonderful. Thank you, Thank you for the unbelievable traffic. hug - Entrecard User - EvilWoobie
When I recommend or review someone's site, it's not a cold, academic review by someone "trained at the academy." And it doesn't pick on things like site design or placement of widgets. It's going to be from someone who has spent 30 years inside his family's multi-million dollar world-class business and who has been acquainted with some of internet marketing's most famous, successful people. It's going to focus on the positives and bring out the best in a way that no one can fail to appreciate.
Once again, you've proven that you know what the blogger world needs. I think we should all keep these tips in mind, since we're the ones that will benefit from these great ideas. Entrecard User - Swan
Some are complaining about junk traffic as the result of entrecard. I have to tell you, thanks to people like you, my comments have jumped 5 fold since getting signed up with Entrecard. Entrecard User - Big Pappa
I have an amazing ability to bring out the finest points about a person, site, or product, and to word things in such a way as to prepare potential visitors get the most value from a site once they arrive. Truthfully, 500-5000 credits really isn't enough of charge based on that of which I'm capable. But I want to remain realistic and also to put one's own excellent review within reach of all Entrecard users. That way, each can feel more confident and inspired by having their own excellent reviews.
Here are a handful that others have left for me:
- Found Entrecard through Sam's blog. He calls things as he sees them. Sam Freedom's blog - worthwhile reading. The Uncanny Broadcasting Brain Blog
- This blog is great because he is already inventing ways to improve the overall experience of a great new thing...Entrecard. This blog is on top of the game and has much needed and great advice. Love Life
- A humourous and entertaining blog to read. Sam is a funny guy and it's evident in his writing. Definitely a recommended site! ShowMeAnime.com
- I am so pleased I've found this site. It's one to check every day as there is always something of interest. Really useful info too - not fluff! Pososto
- Entertaining read! Hilarious commentary on the blogosphere, definitely an eye openener! Don't miss it! Black Zedd's Basic Literature
- Sam is throwing himself wholehearedly into Entrecard and is contributing a huge amount to the community here. His blog is an excellent read. Thanks Sam Just About Dogs
- I am just starting out with my blog. Literally it's been 10 days since I started...I've been able to bring in just over 6000 visits in this time, but the material on your blog is really going to help me refine this process and hopefully I can spend more time on content rather than marketing. Thanks for the tips! ReverseMonster.ORG
- A thoroughly entertaining read, a well done Blog. Dude, you rock. Seriously, I learned more about the Entrecard from Sam Freedom than I did from the Entrecard Website itself. Just wanted to let you know, you should be getting some traffic your way as I stumbled you and faved you in technorati. Keep up the good work, You have just earned another RSS subscriber. Earning a Living Online
As of right now, there are at least 35 more sincere reviews, comments, emails and recommendations exactly like these, and growing... and These Wonderful, Kindred Entrecard Users Didn't Leave 'Em By Accident... ;-)
Vote Sam Freedom for Entrecard Seller Status, And Let the Reviews Begin...! ;-)
(here are all my Entrecard articles in case you need any help)
Entrecard, blogging, blog tools, blogging tools, increase website traffic, traffic exchange, web 2.0, social media, social networking, social bookmarking, social news, blog widgets, website traffic, internet marketing, make money, webmaster tools![]() | ![]() | Home |
Nice entry, and I wish you luck. I've posted mine as well. Let me know what you think.
Thanks Joe, I think your entry is a valuable one. It probably won't be for everyone but it will be for enough people to make it a valuable item to have in the store.
Thank you for the mention. I think if anyone deserves to set up shop, you should be first.
Well, maybe I'll have to go ahead and join the thing now just so I can get a Sam Freedom Review.
Well, You got your store. I'll be saving up 5,000 credits now because I want the whole enchelada when I buy my review.
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister, was a driving force in the push for racial equality in the 1950's and the 1960's. In 1963, King and his staff focused on Birmingham, Alabama. They marched and protested non-violently, raising the ire of local officials who sicced water cannon and police dogs on the marchers, whose ranks included teenagers and children. The bad publicity and break-down of business forced the white leaders of Birmingham to concede to some anti-segregation demands.
In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Good post Sam. Thanks
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