Well, my first thought was,
"Well, That's Nice, But Aside From Being Nice, of What Real Benefit Is It?"
I reasoned, and properly so, that it was unlikely anyone busy building their business was going to sit there scanning over 1000s of Entrecard icons trying to determine which would be a good one to click.
So, I Almost Did The Unthinkable...
I ALMOST wrote the Entrecard "All Cards" Page off just as some early Entrecard users hastily wrote off Entrecard traffic as "junk traffic." They were wrong, and I was almost wrong. In fact, my admonition to such people had been, "don't blame the traffic, blame the marketer, or blame the blog owner." After all, it's up to the BLOGGER to learn how to make the most out of ANY traffic. Well, similarly, it's up to the Entrecard user to find a way to make the most out of the All Cards Page, as well.
So I Racked My Brains for A Way...
And, Naturally, Found One...!
Even though Christmas Day, 2007, will soon be behind us, how relevant is it that we should be asked on Christmas Day, to LOVE THY ENTRECARD NEIGHBOR?
The Concept Is Simple And Crystal Clear.
1. Read these instructions twice then copy them for your article.
2. Go to the Entrecard ALL CARDS page.
3. Find your card and open the pages of all the card owners around your card. For example:
4. Visit their site. Drop your card, and find at least one positive thing say about them (or their site). Here are mine:
Atomic Popcorn - Two words: BLOWN. AWAY. I was blown away by the awesomeness of this person's movie reviews. I'm not kidding. How it is only a 200k Alexa ranking, I will never know. But I suspect it won't remain there for long. This site is going to do nothing but grow, grow and grow. And I was particularly impressed with the review of "Sweeney Todd".
Learning About Natural Healing - We all hear about things like acupuncture, "feng shui" and "qi gong" but what do we really know about them? And how much of what the people we meet tell us do we really comprehend? Well, this is a brand new blog by a person who is going to share their experience while taking a master's program in acupuncture and Eastern medicine... could be very enlightening! And a great public service, too.
Letters to Business - A hilarious site of rants written to businesses. Whether they were really sent or not, I don't know, but most people can expect the much needed "belly laugh" for which their inner, disgruntled, postal worker has been impatiently waiting. While it doesn't appear to be updated frequently, don't worry, the laughs you get should last a month or two each.
Widgets Lab - How freakin' cool! A blog that's chock-full of information about all the cool, new amazing widgets that come out faster than the chocolate candy conveyor belt on the "I Love Lucy" show.
Contestime - I just keep getting amazed at who my "Entrecard Neighbors" are on the "All Cards" page! This site lists various contests going on. Already it's listed 5 different Entrecard contests. If you want to learn of more, or get yours listed, this is the place to be!
Merritr.com Blog - Ok, I think I'm in love. Alright, not really, I've way more self-discipline than that but it turns out that one my Entrecard "All Cards" Page neighbors is a hot 26yr old female mechanical engineer, car enthusiast who also trains with the US Masters swim team (plus one of her former high school classmates married Google's Larry Page). Ok, so tell me... how else would I have found this unique and interesting person if I didn't check out my neighbors on the Entrecard Users "All Cards" page?
Scarty.Com - "My daily life experiences" are what she says and are exactly what I got. Normally, I don't have the attention it takes to read personal blogs of this nature BUT I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure if it was the bubbly female perspective, the creative touch and the overall positive, fun nature of each of the entries but the total impression I got is, "this is a GOOD soul!"...just really simple, down-to-earth and nice.
There should be 8 total but, in my case, one is a blatant ad blog with only one entry - an ad.
5. Include a link to the original, "Sam Freedom's LOVE THY ENTRECARD NEIGHBOR Blog Meme"
6. If you tag your posts, include "entrecard", and "entrecard meme" tags, so others can find us and we can find them all (if you don't understand tagging right now, don't worry).
7. Post your article.
8. Revisit your neighbors and leave them a comment with a link, and an invitation, to your "Love Thy Entrecard Neighbor" blog meme article, letting them know that it names them (ideally, they will participate and you will get a link back). You can also notify them by clicking the "E" on their Entrecard widget and leaving them a message at Entrecard.
9. Go thank Graham and Phirate right now!
10. Enjoy the new traffic, new links, new relationships, new friends and new opportunities!
All Because You Loved Thy Entrecard Neighbor As You Would Love Thine Self! ;-)
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Thanks for the mention. I am usually turned off by all the numerous blogs centered around writing posts about how to make money blogging. However, I like the controversy aspect of yours. Plus you take the time to write original content, that is a must! Obviously you check out your fellow bloggers as well and take the time to leave comments. It is nice to know there are still humans behind all these bytes.
Sam thinks too much. Always interesting concepts.
Thanks for the link, Sam. Interesting look at things, I must say. Keep it going!
Contest Master @ Contestime
@merritt - I'm usually turned off by the same. People do have to eat, though, so I do write about making money online but try to come from different angles than the "A-list" bloggers who are blandly sharing ideas that only worked 3 years ago.
And thought it's not the same as turning you on, I'm at least glad I've the distinction of not turning you off. It's a fine start, indeed.
@sean - how do you know you just don't think too little?
@contestmaster - you're welcome.. not sure how much longer I'll keep this going, though. The one thing most people forget when they begin something is the exit strategy. ;-)
What a marvelous idea!!!!
Wow. I'm in awe. I will have to take some time out to review all of the sites. Talk about data overload. I will come back and make a better comment or just drop them on the sites themselves.
Sam... you never cease to amaze me.
I've gotten to the point where I save your blog for last because I know I'm going to spend serious time here.
I consider myself a bit of an "off the wall" marketer... and you're making my life infinitely easier.
Thanks a million, dude!
Shari Thomas
Beryl UT
hello there, thanks for including my card. I'll do the meme as soon as my done with other things. Again, thank you and happy holidays :)
Cool meme Sam :) Never thought of that idea myself, always fun when someone thinks of something new to do with something I made :D
You've a constructive approach and a generous spirit -- great idea.
You write like a gay man! ;)
I am very happy to leave comment here for you! I hope you come to my site to see! Communicate with each other!
Useful information, many thanks to the author. It is puzzling to me now, but in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming.
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