What follows is a letter Ewen Chia posted, a thinly-veiled SLAMMING of Rod Stinson and Chris Keohl's "1 Step System" that's been suggesting potentials of $500 per day or more using the Aussie 2Up method of downline building. NOTE: I'd appreciate a link to this article from any of you with a blog or a site related to internet marketing. Also, I know some people are drama queens and take the internet marketing celebrity guru scene way too seriously, so if that describes you, please feel free to tell Ewen about this directly. I'd email him but, as you'll soon see, his inbox is quite full.
From: Ewen Chia
Dear Valued Subscriber,
Seems my last email really helped a lot of people...
You don't really believe this do you? The thing with internet marketers of the celebrity guru subculture is that once they get a taste of the power of bullshit, they can't kick the habit.
Similar to any addiction, the addict eventually believes what he or she is saying and it makes them seem even more believable. And there's hardly anything more beguiling as a liar that believes himself. So how does the reader really know how many got helped and how Ewen verified that it was really helpful?
Now, some of you guru celebrity groupies might consider this nitpicking. It is not. It is meant to set the tone for the rest of this response.
Thanks for all your replies, I appreciate it. If I didn't reply you personally yet, I apologize as there're now more than 1,200+ unread emails in my inbox.
Maybe it's time Ewen took some of that money he's been making and bought himself a secretary.
Just to answer some questions:
I do not have an agenda or monetary gains from sending you that message, and I'm not trying to pitch another system as a replacement. It was simply information I wanted you to know about with no catches whatsoever :-)
There's a catch. So either he's lying, or he's unaware of it and I tend to believe it is the latter. But eiither he's a salesman or a public servant - not both.. So, you decide.
You may find it hard to believe that a marketer will do such a thing - but it's really about caring enough to take the time and effort to do so when permitted.
This is a kind of gibberish that some people seem to nod their heads with as if they understand it, but upon intense scrutiny actually means nothing. And upon close questioning, the people who agree with it turn out to not be so sure as to exactly with what it was they were agreeing.
In any case, caring is something totally different and rarely convenient. He is just continuing to groom his readership which is what all marketers do. It just makes him think he is being magnanimous to refer to his list grooming as caring. But without a doubt, there are list members who will believe him. And when someone like myself points this out, we are then accused of being cold, uncaring, unsympathetic or bitter and disenchanted. And to an extent, that is true...we're not bitter and disenchanted in general, but with having to deal with the results of letters like Ewen's which some people will think is either true or, at least, benign.
If you want to truly make it online, you've got to focus on setting up REAL lifetime businesses that work long-term.
Is this news? Here's a guy who comes from the school of ad copy that says things like, "High School Kid Makes $8,000 in 3 Days!" or "Stuff Your Inbox With Cash!" yet suddenly he's promoting sound business principles. It reminds me of how the Chinese restaurants in my area serve all the greasy, fattening, MSG-laden food to the locals who devour it gladly while in the back room, all the employees are eating healthy vegetables and rice. It reminds me of the family dog who smells the homeowners fabulous 7 course meal but then gets the same old dog food as it does every night.
Businesses which you can CONTROL.
"The most flexible element in the room
controls the situation." - ??
What does Ewen's statement really mean? Nothing.
Everything in life is inter-connected:
The tax structures change - it affects your business.
The building codes change - it affects your business.
Nature knocks your building down - it affects your business.
You're never really in control just because your name is on the deed. You're in control of a situation as per the other statement I quoted above - if you are the most adaptable, flexible element in the room. Ewen Chia has focussed mainly on "affiliate marketing" as long as I've known of him. Is selling others products your own business? You could argue it, but it's not. It's being a salesman or an agent without salary or benefits. If you want to call that a REAL business, " then you'd have to incorporate, get a DBA, yada yada yada. In theory, again, many people will nod with such statements which, in reality, are just fluff, and for reasons which will become readily apparent.
Now, can a business INCLUDE affiliate marketing? Sure! Must it EXCLUDE opportunities like "The 1-Step System"? Not at all. So why is Ewen singling out the 1-Step System as a stand-alone business rather than another stream of income to add to your growing business?! Can anyone figure that one out?! Is it really because, after hyping products like "STUFF YOUR INBOX WITH CASH!!!" for years, that he somehow magically grew a conscience?
Businesses which build YOUR brand.
Isn't this a guy who is constantly promoting affiliate marketing? How many affiliate marketers who are out selling others products have a shot at branding? "Sam Freedom" sounds like one, but what is Ewen talking about? He's cherry-picking good advice that has been said a million times. A hen can be trained to type the same thing out on a typewriter - but how is that relevant or caring as regards his belittling the "1-Step System"?
Businesses based on VALUE where everyone wins.
The old "win-win" philosophy. Nothing new here. But why is it regarding a rant on the "1-Step System"? Has Ewen achieved or verified that all of his customers have won? It's easy to repeat such words, but more difficult to achieve the results they suggest. Has he?
Anything that adds to the above is good, anything that takes it away is questionable. This is the 'secret' to zooming pass information overload and hype.
I'm sorry, that is funny. That is coming from the guy who wrote this:
" Once You're Armed With My Secret Toolkit That Has Helped Me Sell Over $832,697.85 In Products And Services In The Last 12 Months Alone, You'll Be Able To Trigger A Synergistic Chain Of Events With Machine-like Repeatability, Resulting In Huge Cash Windfalls As Fast As Humanly Possible… And Without Limit!
In fact, you’ll increase your sales so much faster than you would without this “insider” help… and do it so easily and effortlessly your friends will accuse you of robbing a bank!
(Remember, someone has to sit around saying, "What Stupid Things Can We Say to Get People Excited Now?")
Anyways, that seemed like information overload and hype to me.
Some models of these include affiliate marketing, information marketing, list-building, content publishing etc. just to name a few.
Again, I'm not putting down the said program, the "Aussie 2-up" structure or
other marketers promoting it, some people have had great successes with it. It's just a difference of opinions depending upon which angle one is looking at.
Since you're my subscriber, I see it as my duty to share this with you.
What is the difference of opinion? He said others have had great success with it, so what's his problem? If it were just a difference of opinion and not a subtle put-down AND "some people have had GREAT successes with it" then why did he feel it was so important that it was a "duty" to tell you? Do you really believe Ewen considers it a DUTY...a matter of conscience to tell you?
Methinks it is just an attempt to CONTROL HIS BUSINESS (meaning YOU) from floating away to a product that will REALLY make you a LOT of money, a LOT Faster. Wait until I tell you a little later just how much my sponsor has made since Jan 31st....and this guys is NOT an internet marketer! Oh alright, it's $40,000.
The below email I received from one of your fellow list members reaffirms I did the right thing, and if I can help you make a more informed decision, it's all worth the time and effort.
It reaffirms nothing. If his reaffirmation is based on one letter from an unsuccessful marketer who, like so many of us, mistakenly and lazily expect that spending $1000 or more should yield us SOMETHING in the next month, then his original argument must be pretty weak. Rather than continuing to dialogue with this unsuccessful marketer to uncover possible flaws in his PPC, or general marketing, strategy, Ewen just takes it as fact that it supports his weak assertion that the 1-Step System must be flawed, ineffective, or, at best, benign. How weak is it to use a rant from an unknown entity whose actual marketing abilities are unknown as PROOF of conscience?
Here's the email:
Click the picture for a slightly less crappy version.
Have a great weekend!
Ewen Chia
Here's my original message...
"Read This Now Before Spending $597
Of Your Hard-Earned Money..."
From: Ewen Chia
Dear Valued Subscriber,
This is NOT a sales letter.
I'm not promoting a single thing here (I could do that and make 5 figures in days but I won't).
Was it necessary to let you know that he could make 5 figures in days? Yes, if he wanted to make 6 figures in weeks. By convincing even himself that he has a duty to inform you of something which, in his very own words, has worked out great for some people, he creates the possibility of making himself seem selfless, thereby endearing others to him.
"Isn't that Ewen fellow real nice? He thought it a matter of conscience to forego 5 digit earnings in order to warn us about something he says some people have had great success with!"
It really just decreases the likelihood that you will look at a VERY fine product, 1-Step System with a kind of support that Ewen can never give you. Ewen even said he had 1200 unread emails in his inbox. Perhaps yours is number 1200? Or 1199? Do you think his JV partners write to him at that address? In fact, I bet he'll read this letter LONG before he gets through those 1200 emails. Yet the 1-Step System is loaded with all kinds of videos and pdfs and support materials that make one-on-one support virtually unnecessary and YET they HAVE a support desk and they have answered my emails in less than 6-12 hours.
Is it just me who catches these bizarre, illogical statements? Is it just me who remembers that Ewen Chia is a SALESMAN and not a socially committed public servant?
It's a quickly put up message that may help you save $597.00 of your hard-earned money.
It might also PREVENT you from make $40,000 of someone else's well-spent money. But to borrow some clever wording from Ewen, "but this is just an opinion, depending on the angle from which one views it." Why isn't the cold logic that Ewen and other marketers of his ilk use, "JUST 2 SALES AND YOU'RE IN PROFIT!" equally applicable to this situation? Have any of his "valued subscribers" ever read "The Millionaire Next Door"?
Before I continue, I'd need to point out that these are my personal views, and I do not claim them to be the absolute truth. It's just something I need to share and I've no intention to put other marketers in a tight spot.
However you'll see why I HAD to write this to you shortly. It's a 'duty' so to speak.
Yes, marketers everywhere are depending on Ewen for their daily dose of good sense. Remember, what follows is not, as he says, Absolute Truth. He just feels duty-bound to share his PERSONAL views, in which his conviction was reaffirmed by one angry, unsuccessful marketer with unrealistic expectations. And Ewen says, without showing proof (and probably having none) that MANY people were helped by this letter of his that I am currently dissecting for you.
Here's the story...
(sleepy dreamy music)
You're (as I am too) probably being bombarded by many emails promoting a 'single step' program (which will remain unnamed here) where you could make $500 daily without doing a thing.
Now, emulating Ewen, what I'm about to say is not absolute truth, but just my personal views. In light of what Ewen has written, I feel duty bound to share this with you. It is just my opinion that were Ewen referring to one of his JV crony's promotions, he would not refer to the notifications everyone was receiving as "a bombardment." Just pay close attention to the choice of words and you'll continue to see that that is nothing more than a defensive business maneuver in reaction to...
I was intrigued to say the least and wanted to promote it, cos if I did I'd probably make at least $25,000 in the next 3 days from this.
He thinks you're too stupid to decide for yourself whether or not you want to give something a shot? Do you realize what the hidden message is there, folks? He thinks they are better with the bs than he.
"Isn't that Ewen great? He forewent $25,000 because he cares about me."
So I did what had to be done - pay the price of research.
How noble of him. Translated into non-hype English, we call it "a business investment."
Here's what I found...
In the broadest sense, this is a glorified affiliate program paying 80% commission on a $597.00 info-package, which is a series of ebooks, software and audio recordings.
In the narrowest sense, the 80% commission on a $597.00 product package is true. But Ewen doesn't tell all. There's also plenty of top-notch videos and marketing materials in the back office as well as a tricked out contact manager. PLUS, they do the selling for you on a high-quality tele-conference. In fact, I CHALLENGE you, REALLY, to listen in just ONE TIME and tell me yourself, on my BLOG or wherever, that it is not a Drop-Dead Amazing Tele-Call. Square Mark Joyner and you still haven't adequately described how slick and smooth this 37 minute tele-call is..
It's not MLM though it looks like it. The program is based on a structure called the "Aussie 2-up" where you'll have to pass your first two sales to your sponsor. The same applies to your 'downline' across one-level.
Who makes the most money? The experienced marketers with the list who get in early, and the creators.(apparently one of the creators had a similar program which is now on a parked domain page, go figure).
Go figure? I thought this was just personal views and not an attack. I've been marketing for around 3 years, and I can tell you there are countless big name marketers who have shelved programs that are on parked domains. That doesn't dismiss Ewen's shoddy work in this letter.
And, wait a second. Is Ewen trying to convince you that there's something wrong with
this (or any) program because more experienced marketers make more money? Is the hidden message that he thinks his readership is full of inept people who can't break even with 4 sales per year (while having having 2 of those 4 go on to produce more sales via the 2-up?) What am I missing? It always seemed logical to me that the more experience you had as a marketer, the more you could put that experience to work for you. If anything, the Aussie 2-up actually HELPS LESS EXPERIENCED marketers do WAY better than a straight affiliate program.
Is Ewen selling communism? Is there something wrong with those who have worked hard to build the biggest lists reaping the benefits of greater profits than those who haven't? Does he, therefore, mean that if you haven't a big list, or no list that you shouldn't even bother attempting to win affiliates through something like signature files in forums, or by paying $200 for an ad in a hot ezine? OR BY EVEN USING EWEN'S METHODS FOR "STUFFING YOUR INBOX WITH CASH"!??!?!?!?!
So what is this really?
That's what I'd like to know. Why did Ewen get a hair across his behind about a program that uses the Aussie 2-up which he even admits has proven successful for some people? About
a program that affords the least experienced marketers the chance to benefit more so than if it was not an Aussie 2-up? About a program which allows experienceD marketers to leverage their hard-earned experience for exponentially greater returns? About a program with some very useful audios, videos, pdfs, contact management system, super professional tele-call for sales conversions and a responsive support desk?
Is it because Ewen didn't think of it himself?
Let's See....
It's basic info-product marketing done very smartly. You get on a free teleseminar and get pitched with a time-sensitive deal to invest $597.00 on the package.
Ok, sounds good so far, right?. In fact, Ewen's fellow marketer, Mark Joyner, did the same with a far inferior product called, "The Secret Weapon."
My question is: Do you need another marketing package?
No, not if "Stuff Your Inbox With Cash!" had stuffed their inboxes with cash. But listen, marketers know that a big contributing factor to business longevity is the ability to reconstitute and repackage. There's no mystery there. So yes, people do need ANOTHER marketing package. And just notice that Ewen is writing AS IF the reader has already seen or bought a marketing package from someone. Mighty presumptuous, huh? But you can come to count on that because internet marketers, in general, copycatting their predecessors, love to make these little assumptions.
The income opportunity is very appealing, but as with all things, you do need to work on marketing it, even if it's a 'free' teleseminar.
BRILLIANT! GENIUS! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! Where do I send my check for this amazing information?! There's only ONE step. Get people to the call.
My concerns are:
1. Quality of the product
Notice there's nothing SPECIFIC...just enough to make you doubtful. It's something many competitors attempt to do to their customers who are considering a 3rd party purchase. The fact is, if you got the 1 Step System's Marketing package then, when it came time for Ewen & Friends to BOMBARD YOU with emails, you might hear a little voice saying, "Do you really need another marketing package?" And I feel reasonably assured that for anyone who joins the 1-Step System the answer will be a resounding, "NO!"
2. Saturation of the product (which will likely happen)
Wasn't it widely known crony, Mark Joyner, who addressed the same concern with some other products by quoting some stastic having to do with with 70,000 or so new people coming to the web every day? Add that to the fact that some companies who have proven themselves successful once, can be perfectly capable of, and prepared to, reinvent themselves...roll out a phase 2....or a new line of product for charter members to sell.
3. Long-term future of the program
What about it? I can worry about the long-term future of a lot of things, but if I expect people to believe me (and if it's REALLY as a dutiful service and not just self-promotion) then I should give some very clear reasons for my concern. Instead, the way Ewen has presented this is to underhandedly suggest a negative possibility and then let his readers' imaginations go nuts with it.
4. Long-term returns on YOUR investment As I said earlier, these are my personal views and the program may work well for you.
What is the point of saying something like that other than to get people to think this is not a thinly veiled put-down? How can Ewen try to now bring this down to the "casual" level of mere personal opinion and say it might work well for some when he begins the whole thing by referring to it as a matter of duty. He tries to play it off as a matter of conscience by which he is duty-bound to inform you that he has some VAGUE, UNDEFINED personal questions. These questions are regarding something that he also admits has worked very well for some people and might work very well for the reader.
I hope you're understanding this. Ewen seems unable to just let you believe that this is nothing more than what it is.. A BUSINESS DECISION to put down another business' product. And guiding his conscience with reaffirmation of an unverifiable amount of "help" people have supposedly received, is one lonely, disgruntled, unsuccessful marketer pining about his questionably competent PPC campaign efforts.
From what I've found, I can't bring myself to promote this to you with a
clear conscience - so I'm not.
Excellent! That's $25,000 more potential for us. Oh wait, it uses the Aussie 2-up so that's more like $1,000,000 more potential for us. Alright, mate! Gotta get me a FOSTER'S!
Hope this resonates well with you and you've found this useful...
Somebody please tell me how in G-d's name this could have possibly been useful.
Have a good day,
Ewen Chia
PS. I'd probably have to remove this webpage anytime soon. Please do NOT share this page with anyone else, it's for your eyes only.
Yeah, "..don't tell the owners of the 1-Step System that he's bashing their high-quality product and presentation that offers everyone from highly experienced marketers down to the least experienced to make a ton of cash...because he doesn't want them suing him."
Folks, now it's time for the SURPRISE QUIZ!
Was Ewen Chia's letter...
a) a conscientious call to duty?
b) a waste of intellect? or,
c) a thinly-veiled SLAM of Rod Stinson's and Chris Keohl's "1 Step System"?
Tune in for the answer in tomorrow's post,
Sam Freedom
PS. Make sure to check out my other blog:
Sam Freedom's 12DailyPRO Madness Blog!
and the home page of The Coolest Guy on the Planet!
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As long as I have studied compensation plans, I have never seen a company last for long who ever used the old aussie 2-up plan. This is true for many reasons, most are a one product one time purchase deal of little real value, so in essense, a money game where they tend to market it by saying, this is not an MLM. LOL
The bottom line is this, show me one successful company who uses 2-up system. Since I first saw it back in the 80's, and many have tried it, why is it I still cannot find any company which has used it still in business, why is this?
Well, for those not familiar with network marketing, it is because most people don't even sell or recruit one person, never mind the required three in order to get paid in a 2-up. With so few who can sell even one, this is a plan of attrition, and one doomed to fail as attrition kills 99% of all MLM's. Not because it is MLM, or even if it is not called MLM, the same factors are involved, most will not make a dime in any length of time.
Unless a compensation plan is designed for the masses, it will never work. This was designed for the select few who can bang it out there fast and furious and try to stay ahead of the attrition as most people fail to make even one sale and die on the vine tryng.
Everytime I see a 2-up I am compelled to warn all the average people out there that there has never been a long term successful 2-up company, why is this? Go back over the history of compensation plans and see for yourself, binaries have been around for as long as 2-up, and so have all the matrix and unilevel plans, so why is it no one has been able to sustain a 2-up.
Well, if you are wondering why, it is easy, most were money games, just like Liberty League and copycats like it, they all sell the money. You can through in some of the same ole same ole tired out online tools, but you still have the same useless outcome, some will get rich, most will get poor, so what esle is new? LOL
I am not slamming a company for trying to make this compensation plan to work, after all, I tried it in my own business back in mid 80's, and on the surface, it looked workable, but sadly, it failed even with the best of intentions and product offerings, it still flopped as it was not duplicatable for the masses, and this leads to mass attrition, the killer of all programs as most people are quitters, as we all know. To succeed, you need simple low cost duplicatable plan with a product everyone wants and needs, and the last think anyone needs is another marketing plan. (g)
Good luck to all, Mike
Sam, I tremendously respect your mastery with words however anonymous above is making a good point. I do not agree that no company has lasted with a 2-up.
Coastal Vacations for example is maybe around 10+ or so years old now. I remember working it around
7 years ago and it is a good package and continues to sell well. However most people find it very hard to work because the average person is only able to
sponsor around 2 people and if it is priced high, most people cannot do it or make any money. Now as far as the 1-step system, I admit I was extremely attracted by the webpage and the call and the whole marketing system they have put together. Truly ingenious and
a lot there we all can learn from and I am sure from the backroom and package as well!! However I
agree with Ewen that only people with lists and the company will make a lot of money. Now if you
can teach people to grow lists and work this program, now there you’ve got a fantastic combination.
Bob Luthra
As long as I have studied compensation plans, I have never seen a company last for long who ever used the old aussie 2-up plan. This is true for many reasons, most are a one product one time purchase deal of little real value, so in essense, a money game where they tend to market it by saying, this is not an MLM. LOL
Perhaps those who use the 2-up need a better distinction than to simply say it is not MLM because clearly we get the sense that even just 2 people from each person falls into the realm of multi levels. I believe what Aussie 2-up needs to do to distinguish itself from the pack is make it clear that it's not traditional multi level where you earn X levels deep across the board. In terms of "What's In It For Me?" thinking is that "...after my first 2 signups, it's all mine." That's what people think.
What I feel your analysis is lacking is whether aussie 2-up has traditionally lasted longer than traditional "earn X levels" deep programs. So while you do not praise the aussie 2-up it still might be a Top 3 of downline structures. Then you have to factor in how well its managed which I'll get to in a second.
The bottom line is this, show me one successful company who uses 2-up system. Since I first saw it back in the 80's, and many have tried it, why is it I still cannot find any company which has used it still in business, why is this?
There's a lot of companies that DON'T use the Aussie 2-up that are no longer in business but by presenting your inability to find any such business as some kind of proof that aussie 2-up can't work is an unscientific conclusion.
Well, for those not familiar with network marketing, it is because most people don't even sell or recruit one person, never mind the required three in order to get paid in a 2-up. With so few who can sell even one, this is a plan of attrition, and one doomed to fail as attrition kills 99% of all MLM's. Not because it is MLM, or even if it is not called MLM, the same factors are involved, most will not make a dime in any length of time.
Here's the problem as I see it. You are presenting your conclusions as a kind of cold analysis. It's truth that has been degerminated. You omit the other side of the coin which is that the very same people are going to fail in ANYTHING that requires selling. It's the 3rd sale that gets you almost out of the red. IThe Aussie 2-up just makes that 3rd sale have greater potential. Anyone with an ounce of motivation is going to pay their dues and race to that 3rd sale. And the net is a LARGE place, my friend. If you can't find 3-4 sales on the net, you really need to spend your money on sales training or coaching FIRST.
And regarding all of this, I think you need to revisit Darwin. You can't save the world and you can't always save people from making poor decisions for themselves. If you want to address those kinds of people directly, that'd be one thing, but to put down a company, or a system or a method based on the fact that there is always going to be some people who make bad money decisions is just wrong and backwards. Personally speaking, I do what I can to make things EASIER for those who join with me. For example, I am currently offering a $200 kickback plus 1-week rotating the affiliate link on my well travelled blog. Now THAT is helping people. But to paint the aussie 2 up as unsustainable without comparing it to any other method is prejudiced and misleading, at best.
Unless a compensation plan is designed for the masses, it will never work. This was designed for the select few who can bang it out there fast and furious and try to stay ahead of the attrition as most people fail to make even one sale and die on the vine tryng.
Karl Marx gave it his best shot and it didn't work out. It was called Communism. At face value, it was a lovely idea, you know, just sitting around a fire and singing Cumbaya. Oh wait, religion was not very welcome in Communist countries. Well anyways, it failed. The Aussie 2-up gives about the best shot at a newcomer for making significant money and leveraging his or her efforts from the 3rd signup on. If you aren't willing to do what it takes to make 3 sales, then you don't belong in this. It's really that simple. But to knock the system on the premise that there are lazy people who aren't motivated to make sales but love to arbitrarily spend $597 on things is to address the wrong crowd and seek to solve a problem that does not exist.
Everytime I see a 2-up I am compelled to warn all the average people out there that there has never been a long term successful 2-up company, why is this? Go back over the history of compensation plans and see for yourself, binaries have been around for as long as 2-up, and so have all the matrix and unilevel plans, so why is it no one has been able to sustain a 2-up.
Not sure if you've noticed, but if you really want to get honest and objective here, the net changes so rapidly and people have such short attention spans that short-term companies are fast becoming the rule and not the exception. If you want to take the brick and mortars concept online and try to emulate Amazon or Toys R Us, then go right ahead, but you'll be needing some significant capital. These programs you say disappear offer the financially challenged a far better shot than the lottery on which many people spend 1000s per year. These programs put them in the drivers seat more than any 9 to 5 they've ever had. In the country of my birth, we have a term, "The American Dream." If you put in some initial effort and work smart, you can make a good living for yourself. And here you are worried about people not being able to make 3-4 sales?
Well, if you are wondering why, it is easy, most were money games, just like Liberty League and copycats like it, they all sell the money. You can through in some of the same ole same ole tired out online tools, but you still have the same useless outcome, some will get rich, most will get poor, so what esle is new? LOL
Exactly! So what's your problem, then? If you go out and make your 4 sales, you have a better chance of getting rich than if you don't. But if you want Communism, or some version of Cumbaya where we all work on the same corn field together then you're better off going in search of that. Why are there hardly any countries that can sustain the communistic vision you're suggesting? I'll bet, under a microscope, the Aussie 2-up, pound for pound, out performs communism any day.
I am not slamming a company for trying to make this compensation plan to work, after all, I tried it in my own business back in mid 80's, and on the surface, it looked workable, but sadly, it failed even with the best of intentions and product offerings, it still flopped as it was not duplicatable for the masses, and this leads to mass attrition, the killer of all programs as most people are quitters, as we all know. To succeed, you need simple low cost duplicatable plan with a product everyone wants and needs, and the last think anyone needs is another marketing plan. (g)
Sorry Mike, I just don't see the wisdom in creating a business plan that rewards quitters. As soon as the quitters wake up and begin to really take note of what makes OTHERS profit but not them, they'll start to move out of the losers bracket and into the winners bracket. But to slam something like the aussie 2-up and, by association, any company that employs it, is to slam those who DO want to work, and who DON'T want to quit and who WILL make those 3-4 sales at all costs (I use 3-4 sales simply as its a breakeven point, but obviously we're talking about much more potential here.).
Either you didn't listen to the teleconference, or you didn't listen too closely because Rod Stinson, the speaker, explains how hard he had to beat the pavement just to make ends meet before he and his partner developed this opportunity. Now, I just started and I have $1500 from it. Am I evil? Am I just lucky? Am I a quitter? Maybe I'll just give it back.
Thanks, Mike, for at least having the courage to air your opinion and dialogue about it.
Sam, I tremendously respect your mastery with words however anonymous above is making a good point.
Hi Bob, thanks for the compliment. I see a sincere point from Mike, but not a good one. His argument emboldens the underdog to remain an underdog. The everday guy and gal do not come to the web to become the next Amazon. They come looking to leverage their efforts into a reasonably quick new source of income.
I do not agree that no company has lasted with a 2-up.
So you see what happens? Mike's convinced there's no sustainable 2-up simply because he hasn't found one. Based on that, he goes around warning "the average guy" against 2-up when, in fact, there are MANY people profiting from 2-up. And Ewen's big argument wasn't that 2-up wasn't sustainable or workable, but that those who worked hard to reach a better stage in life would make the most money. Hello? Is there something wrong with that? So what we have here are 2 guys who are, get this...SINCERE...but acting out the role of "community hero." The next step from there is to pressure the government into creating more welfare programs rather than teaching people how to make 3-4 sales, or 20 sales. Or to come up with new and creative ways of getting wealth.
So what is it that causes someone to malign something like an "aussie 2-up" even when, as you point out, he's wrong?
Coastal Vacations for example is maybe around 10+ or so years old now. I remember working it around 7 years ago and it is a good package and continues to sell well.
Ok everybody! Last one to the Coastal Vacations website is a rotten egg!
However most people find it very hard to work because the average person is only able to sponsor around 2 people and if it is priced high, most people cannot do it or make any money.
Do you realize what I'm offering you here? I'm standing in with you and going up against this burdensome set of self-defeating ideas just so you have the chance of breaking free from them. "Most people cannot do it, or make any money?" So those who can will find those who can. And those who can't will learn from their mistakes just like all of us. The real point to consider isn't whether a company tries to ferret out the "quitters", as Mike calls them, but whether the company is honest and up front about what it is they are offering. Period.
Now as far as the 1-step system, I admit I was extremely attracted by the webpage and the call and the whole marketing system they have put together. Truly ingenious and a lot there we all can learn from and I am sure from the backroom and package as well!! However I agree with Ewen that only people with lists and the company will make a lot of money.
What is there to agree with, Bob? Is there something wrong with a company where those who have more experience get to reap greater benefits from that experience than those who do not? When we stop filtering out such opportunities through a "Rich vs Poor" and making this out to be "The Strong taking advantage of the Weak" type lenses we get to see that" if I make 4 sales, I've won. I'm not competing with people who have big lists. I'm trying to make a living." Do you see the millstone around your neck when you agree with Ewen on a point like that?
You MUST read my writings more closely. I try to leave no stone unturned. I said, in the original article, that the logic of Ewen's statement was not only misleading but completely backwards. If people with big lists stand to make MORE money from an Aussie 2-up, it's certainly not at the expense of the guy with no list and that, if anything, the aussie 2-up gives the "little guy" a greater shot at increasing his profits exponentially than a simple 1 level frontline.
Isn't it fascinating how we can overlook things like that?
Now if you can teach people to grow lists and work this program, now there you’ve got a fantastic combination.
There's so much of that "build your list" crap on the web that it shouldn't have to be a required part of such a program. But add to that that email marketing is under assault from the anti-spam forces and, while not excluding list building, the web offers countless other ways to reach people in order to make AT LEAST 4 sales.
I use PPC, a well-travelled blog, and so on. I can offer someone with a list a link on my blog in exchange for a mailing, or whatever. If a person WANTS to make it, then the web offers unlimited opportunity for creative thinking. The 1 Step System back office, offers a lot of marketing materials and support in this regard though, so if that's your criteria, then here's my signup link again. :-) The 1 Step System!
Believe me, Bob...it's not the Aussie 2-up that's to blame here. It's something called SLOTH.
And the same to you, thanks for the courage to expose your thinking to dialogue,
Hi Sam,
Firstly, you have a great blog which I have enjoyed reading. However, I'm afraid I have to disagree mostly with your rant against Ewen!
Now, I am not a personal friend of Ewen's, however I have purchased his products before and am on his mailing list. I believe that he was right to send his subscribers this message. At the end of the day his subscribers look at him for advice!
To be honest, I have no real opinion about the system. I'm not going to purchase it, but not because Ewen has warned me against it. You have to remember that this guy is extremely successful and is right in saying that he could make thousands by promoting it, but felt strongly enough to email us this warning.
In the original email he didn't slag off the system, but said that there were a few issues he had with it. He even says that in the future it might change, but currently it isn't 100% reliable/workable.
I respect his opinion, and respect the fact that he emailed his subscribers to share his opinion with us. If he'd started plastering it all over the web then I may think differently.
Great blog though! We can't all have the same opinions (it would be so boring!!).
Best wishes
Hi all!
I just have to say I've been reading this discussion with great interest!
Sam, if I had the time to add another program right now, I think you'd have me convinced. Your offer of $200 cash back and the blog rotation is great. I hope there are a lot of people taking you up on it.
As for the comment made by someone else (sorry, can't remember who wrote it) that the the people with the big lists make the most money, well I would have to add that this is true for any business, be it online or off. You tell lots of people, you make money. I would dare to suggest that the folks with the big lists could promote ANY business and it would earn them money. What's the problem with that?
I look forward to hearing how you get on with the 1-step system Sam and I am enjoying your blog.
Keep it coming!
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