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Hi Jim,
It's not what you're implying by a "fast money system." That, right there, is already misleading and is more of an indicator of your pessimism than of your actual experience with the product itself.
I am always putting my money where my mouth is and buying things before I promote them. I have bought everything, or had it given to me for review. Can you say the same?
The toolset, eBooks and "the like" are actually of a high quality. The back office of the 1StepSystem is like no other I've seen before. Lest we forget our humble roots, it is unlike a back office that most of the people who come through here have ever seen before.
There are videos, pdfs, contact management systems, help desks, and basically the whole shebang and it's all very profession and well laid out. There's even more.
However, look what you did. You not only put down a product that you've had no experience with but you then promoted your own. I've promoted on other peoples forums, sites and blogs as we all come to expect, and accept, a certain amount of that but not after first smashing their current promotion.
I don't think I can imagine too much lower than that.
But you've given me food for thought. If there's one of you, there's a hundred of you, and probably even a thousand of you. So I am going to write an article now addressing the letter you sent to me by Ewen Chia.
This hypocrisy, mixed in with the "follow the guru" mentality, the flitting from one thing to the next without working anything in particular to great extent... all of this would do well to be addressed.
So true to form, as was taught me by Napoleon Hill and other mentors, I am looking at your rant and finding the seed of equivalent beneft.
Look for the article, "Ewen Chia Grows a Conscience."
I am leaving your smash of 1step and resultant self promotion in place. I rarely censor and besides, it can have some value to others who are similarly inclined to do the same.
It says less about the state of affairs in internet marketing, which have always been what they are, and will continue to be, and more about one's ability to focus on a single project and get the absolute most of it.
Sam, I accept your commentary and and respect your opinion on many
Same here, Jim.
To begin with I did kinda slam the 1Step program. My apologies to any ruffled
feathers over here.
You certainly did! It's not just "those over there." There are people trying to use this as an added income stream. It's ok to have a dialogue but to come out sounding like an authority on this and to use narrowly selected examples to paint your picture you do more harm than good.
But they base their plan on a 2 up system. I know from personal experience that the average person will only be able to find 2.5-3 folks before they give up and quit. It's reasonable fact of online marketing.
You've failed to make an important distinction. The 2up is difficult for those who have no ability to sell. CERTAIN people do not belong in it, but that doesn't mean
everyone doesn't. And as I said in my post, it actually HELPS everyone with an ounce of ambition because once ANYONE qualifies (pays their dues), their
potential increases significantly than if there WASN'T a 2-up in place. The 2-up is for achievers, for people who know the value of an early effort. But to single out the 2-up in this case is a HUGE mistake and greatly misleading
because those kinds of people lose money in ANY program. Believe me, if they can't get 3 signups, then it's a good bet they can't get 2, and probably not even 1. So I think slamming the 2-up is more of a bleeding heart attempt at
social justice.
Now with this type program no matter how well it works for some there are those that can ill afford to give you $1500.00 up front and commit to a membership or maintenance fee of any kind.
Another gross, misleading exaggeration. No one is paying $1500.00 but you see the
marketer is alive and well in you, as well, except it's portraying things in a way to make you look like a hero to the little guy. The person is only paying the fee. It does not cost him what he doesn't spend. So if he spends $67 on an ezine ad and gets 5 signups, he's not only not paid out $1500 (which is just a plain lie) but he's then quite in the profit and well on his way to benefitting from the 2-up.
Add to that, I've traditionally made it easier for people who sign on with me in this case a $200 kickback and a link on my blog for a week (for a limited time), so why don't you address that? Anyone with an ounce of motivation can
definitely make something like this work for them. Remember, Jim, it's not about money - it's about attitude. And many people still don't yet understand that.
Folks are losing jobs, being phased out, realizing their
retirement accounts are no where near enough to retire on. Many pension plans are jokes waiting for the accountant to find a overlooked flaw that wipes out
their life's savings. We have GM and Ford shutting their doors.
What pool are you picking examples from? Those are horrible examples that have nothing to do with this. So in order to right what you think are all the wrongs in the world, you're going to start by lambasting the aussie 2-up on a little blog in the midst of 80,000 new blogs per day? I don't, as of yet, have any proof that the 1step system's aussie 2-up has sent any former GM workers to the poor house, but I'll keep my ear open for any news of that sort of thing. In the meanwhile, you really need to get a handle on that because it's all irrelevant.
A great attitude and an ounce of motivation win the day. People know you have to spend money to make money and it's not $1500 by any stretch. Through my latest
offer, it's only $300 - and in pre-launch, the aussie 2-up hadn't even been implemented yet.
And you are asking folks to give you $1500.00 up front!
This is a very sad exaggeration and really nothing more than a
lie. How can you be a partner to such a crime. You're better off counseling people on how to set up their retirement portfolios than you are hanging out on a blog trying to dissuade motivated people with great attitudes that the aussie 2-up is anything short of an exceptional BONUS multiplier to any genuine, intelligent effort they make.
Excuse me but that is why I have an opinion.
Well, since no one is spending $1500 and really only $300 for the chance at making huge sums of cash
exponentially based on their genuine effort, that makes your opinion kind of non existent. Any opinion based on imagination and non-reality has no reality to it
even if it feels good to express it.
As for posting a link to my
program on your blog, you often invite links back and comments. Just doing as you asked.
I've never had a problem with links being posted. The problem is when you bash a program and then promote yours it shows a heavy bias. You didn't just post a link, you promoted it as your recommended alternative to the promotion you were bashing. I hope you can see that now.
The Ewen Chia, email was sent to your personal email address in confidence and you
chose to open this conversation publicly. My apologies to Ewen Chia, humbly, as I was sharing information that I had received. And that I used to formulate my
own stated opinion with. Mr. Freedom chose to make that email public. I was wrong in forwarding it to him in the first lace.
Well, a "betrayal drama" sits well on a controversy blog, but I'm sorry no betrayal of confidence
took place. YOU outed YOURSELF. See, I am also on Ewen's mailing list. I got that email, too. Furthermore, I never mentioned your name so you have dramatically portrayed yourself as a turncoat to Ewen. I got his email myself
and I never mentioned your name in relation to it, so think about what you just did. That can go on for years if you don't deal with it.
As to whether I put my money where my mouth is sir! You know the answer to that and I really take offense to such an accusation. Details shall remain
private between us.
I'm not even sure what youi're talking about, but it's kind of moot in relation to all the misleading exaggerations coming from you on this matter. You have a filter or a lens of some kind that's skewing your facts. You're well-intentioned, but the road to hell is paved with good
intentions and I would venture to say that you're not really helping anyone. In fact, quite the opposite, Jim.
I do not flit from program to program as you seem to do sir. As you do, I look at many programs, and tools that may help my team grow their business. It
must be simple and easy to do. Before I ask folks to part with hard earned cash.
Seth Godin wrote "All Marketers are Liars" - then he went on to
say "...not really." which made him a liar. One of the biggest lies is when marketers act as if they care about "their flock." That doesn't mean they don't
care about the well-being of other people. I care about the well-being of my fellow human-beings, but I also realize that I cannot save or rescue people. People respect me for the fact that I am honest about this. I am in the business to provide people with ample opportunities to make money. I pass on to them news of the ones that I either like, or with which I am personaly involved. I almost
always try to make their online endeavors easier by providing either insider information FREE, or a KICKBACK if the commission is high enough, or a LINK ON
MY BLOG or a bunch of useful FREEBIES.
So what you call "flitting about" is actually the implementation of a principle that marketers have spoken about since day one - multiple streams of income. Whereas most people only know multiple streams of BILLS coming in. None of what I learend was simple and easy to do. It's nice when we can help simplify
things for people, but I've said it before and will say it again and again, there has to be some initial effort involved. People need to get their brains moving and some will inevitably fall a couple of times.
I am actually known for my bull headed loyalty and promotion of products and services I believe in and support.
I don't see what that has to do with this conversation.
The foremost benefit of such a program is if I think I can do it and can show my people how to do it.
I teach people about moving into financial freedom...not how to get glued to a business for the rest of their lives. In this particular case, however, the 1step program simply says, "Get people to the
tele-conference." How hard is that to implement? They give a generous amount of support materials in the back office, and I personally give people a $200 kickback and a link on my blog for a period of time. I'm not sure if there's anyone else in existence that offers such things. Those who can benefit from it have the opportunity and those who can't shouldn't buy it, period. But for you to insinuate that it's all bad is just plain wrong and misleading.
Binaries and any up programs already leave a large portion of the public out in the cold.
Here comes more communism talk. First, no one is being left in the COLD. It's not like this one program is leaving behind millions of people on the shore of poverty so just note that your language is riddled with pessimism. Owning mutual funds are not for everyone. Owning real estate is not
something everyone can do. Owning a baseball team, or a Porsche is not something everone can do. So they all must be bad? The 1step, and the aussie 2up are for
those who can use them. But to blanket such things with sweeping generalizations only betrays an unfortunate mindset of someone who feels downtrodden or who hates their station in life and sees no way out of it except to bash those who have good attitudes and are motivated to succeed.
The working stiff, that has two jobs, more bills and mouths to feed than he can afford to feed and pay. Asking this guy to give you $1500.00 is absurd to say the least. It's these folks that need a hand up.
Let's remember, no one is paying $1500. Through me, they are only paying $300 (for a limited time) and getting a link on my blog. For the first 40-50 days, or so, the 2up wasn't even implemented on the 1steps prelaunch so all of what you're saying is moot. I mean, what you're portraying is horrific. You're taking examples of people who would never even be involved in this situation to begin with and using them as the example of the person at the signup button. Odds are a handful
of such people might happen across such an offer, but it'd be a rarity indeed. You use such examples to validate your own pessimism and nothing more. It is a grave disservice to those who are optimistic and motivated to succeed.
They need a few extra bucks coming in and they need to be able to tell their folks how they found that extra $200 a month to afford that second car. Real People!!!
Real people, perhaps, but an imaginary scenario indeed. Sounds like you're pasting something personal over the internet marketing landscape.
My program that I have asked you on many occasions to put your fine tuned eye to, caters to these folks. Real Average People, that are retired, on fixed incomes, disabled both physically and mentally, have large families and
dwindling income as support.
The more power to you, Jim. I'm catering to optimistic people who are motivated to succeed by providing them with opportunities for multiple sources of residual income that will help them
achieve financial freedom. And your introduction of retirees and, in your words, "working stiffs" has nothing to do with the 1step system and the aussie 2-up that
rewards people based on performance, period. It's just odd, and unfortunate, that a marketer would find a problem with a system that rewards people based on performance.
They need help. This program helps them. Did you ever look at it? Allowing them to earn that extra $100, $200 extra dollars a month and more. They can begin for free and not have to do anything special other than to collect and
itemize their receipts.
We spoke about this, Jim. It's based on their expenditures. It's nice that it can SAVE them money from their monthly bills, but it has ZERO to do with financial freedom across multiple streams of income. In that program, savings is based on what people SPEND each month. It's just a discount club, really. There are people interested in such things but it's not anything approaching the understanding required to reach financial freedom.
Simple So simple that you have overlooked a winner that will and has appeal to the masses because they get rewarded for spending on items that they must
spend on anyway. Plus they contribute to feeding and educating the even less fortunate. They can feel proud they are able to contribute.
Did you hear that? REWARDED FOR SPENDING. That's not the kind of conditioning I'm looking for. You've got it all backwards. It's nice to save $200 or $400 per
month on things one already buys, but it's much nicer to have an extra $400/mo coming in automatically whether you spend anything or not. So I don't feel I've overlooked anything regarding that.
I have been a member of this group for two years, they have consistently, provide more benefits than my membership dues. Benefits that add real dollars to
my family budget and affords me to offset my losses on programs or systems that don't work for the Average Real person. Rednecks, hillbillies, good ol' boys n
gals, the Nascar crowd.
Just a man of the people, aren't you, Jim? Nothing wrong with trying to be that, or to seem that. But your program saves
people a small percentage of their funds as a reward for having spent so much..."Spend More, Earn More!" It makes no sense. I can spend $67 on an ezine advertisement that leads to $500/mo residual income. Why would I want to get involved with a cash for receipts program right this moment? Why would I teach people to spend to earn when they earn less than they spend?
These folks spend money on entertainment. Now they can earn from their spending. You know the folks that shop at Wal-Mart. Not Tiffanys.It ain't because they would not want to shop there. But you get the idea. My apologies to
you for advertising this worthy program on your blog.
Well, it's a little too late for that, huh? I don't mind, but I think you're doing yourself a bit of harm because it sounds more disgruntled than joyful. You need to find something that attracts people like milk and honey attract birds and bees. Ya know?
Best of luck, Jim,
Hi Sam,
Well after following you for the past year or so and Jim being someone I do not
know or follow, I'm inclined to go with Jim Allen III on this.
I've been online for about 3 years, I've certainly not made a fortune, but
I've made a few euro's here and there, it's been more a learning stage than a job.
Now I take my position...I could take 3 years to play, buy the bulls--t,
try the so called systems and of course learn to listen or not to the so called
guru's, but my position is one in a billion. I was the one in control, not
worried about money, my home, my kids etc etc, but I decided to do it, it was
my route, my adventure. I made out to be the poor, made out to be rich, made out to
know the know and have had different results from different circles, but one thing
is for sure...not everyone can make it online.
The one thing that nobody seems to say to these people is, if you don't have:
Self control
Positive thinking
A familly and friends behind you
A bank of at least $1000 (yes some people make it online starting almost for free,
but hey who want's a job doing the same thing over and over, everyday)
Some basic pc knowledge and a whole host of other small yet necassary skills, you
won't make it online.
Working at home pulls in these questions, and if in any doubt, then don't do it.
How easy is it to take the day off? If easy then don't do it
How easy is it to see what is possible for others to do and do the same? If easy, don't do it (we are not all the same)
How easy is it to get a few Jv partners to promote your product, make a mailing list? If you think it's easy, don't do it
How easy is it to hire someone on scriptlance or one of the many other sites to build your product? If you think it's easy, don't do it.
Can you build a basic website, a blog? If not don't do it.
How easy is it to say no to the familly time with the kids, because your building your business? If it's not easy, then don't do it.
Can you drag people into what your doing on the basis you think, they think and act like you? If not, don't do it.
The list goes on, but yet the same underlying question remains....Is it possible that you (being the broke dad of 2 reading your
email whilst looking for a job) can do what Sam Freedom does? The answer is no.
People are different, people are not like me and you "Sam". You tell Jim he's for the people's people, so you are not? You want
dynamic, positive thinking people, yet the guy that's just lost his job, got 3 kids and a home to pay for is not dynamic and positive
thinking at this time. He's pissed off with the world, scratching for a way out doesn't have a pot to piss in and would be happy to
get back a few bucks when spending what little he has.
Can we all be the world class sportsmen? NO
Can we all be Sam Freedom? No
Can we be the best we can be, yet not use the internet? YES, A BIG FAT YES
Of course we can, I am. I'm better talking to people face to face than online, Give me a head to talk to and I'll sell them my shoes...
give me a pc and I'm bored like now, typing a god damn message on a blog. so going back to Jim's business, it's got to be a
winner for a lot of people. People like to buy, it's something we have inside, I'm sure there's someone who can tell you why, but
I'm just happy living with that feeling, and to be paid for it, well that's got to be a winner. (I am not a member of Jim's program)
Ok, I'm off...more wine to finish, yes that's the beauty of life, more time, more money and of course less stress.
Can I do it? yes I can, did it happen because of the internet? No...I just became the best I could be.
Walk away from your pc sam for one week, shut it down instantly, no responders, no nothing. You can't, you'll itch to
get back to it. I'm sure you'll tell me different, but that's why I'm reading your blog lol.
Jim, you do the same, you can't you'll be the same.
We Are Different
We all rely on something in life and that's money. We all choose to make it in one way or another, but if you can't leave
your business at a drop of a hat for a week without it collapsing around you, then you don't have a business.
To those that are reading this...
Mark my words, you are not all the same, you have something to give. Find your "niche", be it online or off, be it Jim or Sam,
but remember...
BE YOU, be the best you can be and you will prosper.
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